Tokyo 2020 mascots adorn public transportation

Tokyo 2020 mascots adorn public transportation

Tokyo 2020 Olympic mascots appear on buses and subway cars.

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65 die of heatstroke across Japan

65 die of heatstroke across Japan

65 people die in Japan after being taken to hospitals for heatstroke.

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Boys' baseball game gripped by whirlwind

Boys' baseball game gripped by whirlwind

A group of kids playing baseball in central Japan is hit by a sudden whirlwind.

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Towel maker turns to suits

Towel maker turns to suits

A high-end towel maker in western Japan launches a new range of sweat-absorbent suits.

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Record 105 degree temps roast central Tokyo

Record 105 degree temps roast central Tokyo

A heat wave continues across Japan, while central Tokyo sees its hottest day ever on record.

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800-year-old festival livens up Fukushima

800-year-old festival livens up Fukushima

Men in traditional garb and women dressed as brides parade through a Fukushima town, part of the 800-year-old Aizutajima...

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New products fight the heat

New products fight the heat

As temperatures reach record highs in Tokyo, companies display their latest keep-cool products.

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Hi-tech fireworks museum opening in Daisen

Hi-tech fireworks museum opening in Daisen

A soon-to-open fireworks museum celebrates Daisen city's tradition of pyrotechnics.

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Prosecutors indict men in first plea bargain

Prosecutors indict men in first plea bargain

Japanese prosecutors indict three men for allegedly bribing a Thailand public servant in the first use of a new plea bar...

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Kyoto sizzles in record heat

Kyoto sizzles in record heat

The mercury continued to soar across the nation with Kyoto topping 38 degrees Celsius for seven days running.

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