Japan expands SDF scope in South Sudan

Japan expands SDF scope in South Sudan

Japan's government gives Self-Defense Force troops in South Sudan additional responsibilities for the first time under ...

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PM Shinzo Abe to highlight importance of Japan-US ties

PM Shinzo Abe to highlight importance of Japan-US ties

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to highlight the importance of Japan-US ties when he meets President-elect Donald Trump...

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Prime Minister Abe to take up TPP with Trump

Prime Minister Abe to take up TPP with Trump

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to underscore the importance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement when he me...

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Japan's Self Defense Force rescues sick Chinese from liner

Japan's Self Defense Force rescues sick Chinese from liner

Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force members rescue a Chinese passenger by helicopter.

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Japanese journalist denies links to IS

Japanese journalist denies links to IS

A Japanese journalist detained in Iraq says he has no links to the Islamic State.

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Abe and Trump to meet next Thursday

Abe and Trump to meet next Thursday

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump agree to a tete-a-tete next Thursday in New York...

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Tokyo shares rebound

Tokyo shares rebound

Tokyo shares rebound in a remarkable recovery from yesterday's US presidential election shock.

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Okinawans voice hopes for Trump over US bases

Okinawans voice hopes for Trump over US bases

People in Okinawa, where the US has controversial military bases, express expectations over Donald Trump's election.

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Japanese mixed on Trump

Japanese mixed on Trump

Japanese voice a range of opinions on Donald Trump's victory from worry to hope.

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Abe congratulates Trump on victory

Abe congratulates Trump on victory

Japan's Prime Minster Shinzo Abe sends a message to Donald Trump congratulating him on winning the U.S. presidential ele...

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