Mythic torii restored the old-fashioned way


Japan is a hi-tech paradise, but in some parts of the country they still follow ancient ways.

Locals in western Japan recently rebuilt a gate that’s a traditional symbol of Japan’s Shinto religion.

The gate had been blown down by a typhoon last year.

It stands on an island that legend says was once home to a mythical white rabbit.

The rabbit jumped across the backs of sharks to the mainland, where it met one of Japan’s founding gods.

Now members of the local shrine are headed back to the island with the posts for a new gate.

The gates represent places where the gods meet mortals.

But before the locals can rebuild the gate, they have to get the posts to the top of the island.

The gate is painstakingly installed on the narrow peak.

A local says the gods can now pass this way again, and it’s been a good summer.

Calm has returned to this corner of Japan…at least until the next typhoon.