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Notice to Discontinue Retirement Allowance and Revise Remuneration for Directors

At a board meeting held on May 14, 2009, Nippon Television Network Corporation (the Company) announced changes to its remuneration system for directors. The changes, aimed at further enhancing corporate value, call for the discontinuation of retirement allowance for directors (Board Directors and Statutory Auditors) and the introduction of a remuneration system linked to the company's share price.


1. Objectives
As part of management reforms and to clarify management responsibility, the Company has decided to discontinue retirement allowance due to the lack of alignment with its business performance as well as the factors of seniority and deferred remunerations, and at the same time, to introduce a remuneration system linked to the company's share price.

2. Details
(1) Discontinuation of Retirement Allowance for Directors
The current system of retirement allowance for Board Directors and Statutory Auditors will be discontinued upon conclusion of the 76th General Shareholders Meeting to be held on June 26, 2009.
Subject to approval and in accordance with the discontinuation of the current system, retirement allowances for directors will be accrued up until the conclusion of the 76th General Shareholders Meeting and are scheduled to be paid upon retirement of each director.

(2) Introduction of System of Remuneration Linked to Company's Share Price
As of July 2009, a portion of remuneration for directors will be linked to the Company's share price. A fixed portion of the monthly remuneration of full-time directors will be set aside to purchase shares, which will, as a rule, be held for the director's full term in office.
By introducing these reforms, the Company aims to strengthen the alignment of the remuneration for its directors and its corporate value in order to demonstrate the commitment of its management while maximizing its corporate value.


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