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Revision of Financial Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010

In light of recent business developments, Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) announced today its revision of consolidated and non-consolidated financial forecasts for fiscal year ending March 31, 2010 from those previously announced on May 14, 2009.

1. For the 2nd quarter ended September 30, 2009 (April 1, 2009-September 30, 2009)

(1) Consolidated basis (Unit: millions of yen)
  Net sales Operating income Recurring profit Net income
Previous Forecast (A)
(as of May 14, 2009)
143,700 1,700 3,800 1,900
Revised Forecast (B) 144,300 8,200 10,300 6,400
Change amounts (B - A) 600 6,500 6,500 4,500
Change (%) 0.4 382.4 171.1 236.8
2nd quarter FY08 results
(For 6 months ended September 30, 2008)
164,986 1,286 3,292 -1,220

(Reference) Forecast of net income per share:260.43 yen

(2). Non-consolidated basis (Unit: millions of yen)
  Net sales Operating income Recurring profit Net income
Previous Forecast (A)
(as of May 14, 2009)
122,600 500 2,500 1,300
Revised Forecast (B) 129,300 8,700 10,600 5,500
Change amounts (B - A) 6,700 8,200 8,100 4,200
Change (%) 5.5 1,640.0 324.0 323.1
2nd quarter FY08 results
(For 6 months ended September 30, 2008)
139,970 -597 1,362 -1,905

(Reference) Forecast of net income per share: 221.36yen

2. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010 (April 1, 2009-March 31, 2010)

(1) Consolidated basis (Unit: millions of yen)
  Net sales Operating income Recurring profit Net income
Previous Forecast (A)
(as of May 14, 2009)
291,900 10,500 14,200 7,800
Revised Forecast (B) 291,900 15,000 18,500 11,300
Change amounts (B - A) - 4,500 4,300 3,500
Change (%) - 42.9 30.3 44.9
Previous fiscal year results
(For the year ended March 31, 2009)
324,563 12,214 16,225 5,622

(Reference) Forecast of net income per share: 461.45 yen

(2). Non-consolidated basis (Unit: millions of yen)
  Net sales Operating income Recurring profit Net income
Previous Forecast (A)
(as of May 14, 2009)
249,400 7,700 10,700 5,900
Revised Forecast (B) 254,000 15,500 18,300 9,900
Change amounts (B - A) 4,600 7,800 7,600 4,000
Change (%) 1.8 101.3 71.0 67.8
Previous fiscal year results
(For the year ended March 31, 2009)
277,759 8,389 11,749 3,245

(Reference) Forecast of net income per share: 399.74 yen

3. Reasons for Revision

The television broadcasting business, which is the principal business of our Group, continues to face difficult circumstances in terms of revenue as the advertising market is expected to stay stagnant. To face the downturn in the business environment, NTV is making ongoing efforts to reduce spending across all expense categories, and we are beginning to see results. As these cost-cutting controls continue after the 3rd Quarter FY2009, revisions will be made to the consolidated and non-consolidated forecasts announced on May 14, 2009. Furthermore, there is no change to the dividend forecast announced on May 14, 2009.

Note: The above statements are based on the management's assumptions and beliefs in accordance with the information currently available. The actual results may differ from the above statements due to various elements of risks and uncertainties.

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