HOME > Press Releases > 24-Hour Television "Arakawa Clean Aid Action 2011"127 Volunteers Clear Away 109 Bags of Garbage

24-Hour Television "Arakawa Clean Aid Action 2011"127 Volunteers Clear Away 109 Bags of Garbage

As part of environmental preservation efforts, "24-Hour Television" commenced the "Cleanup Japan Project" in 2004. In 27 areas across Japan, over 11,000 people participated in cleanup activities and hands-on natural environment lessons in 2010, and similar activities are being planned this year also.

The weeklong eco campaign, with the theme of "Connect Our Eco Hearts. Strength for Tomorrow." kicked off on Sunday, May 29th with a cleanup and natural environment lesson along the Arakawa River in Edogawa Ward, which was organized by the "24-Hour Television" Charity Committee and the Arakawa Clean Aid Forum.

In the rain, 127 participants gathered plastic refuse and other garbage, filling up 109 garbage bags. A female participant in her 20s commented, "When I saw plastic bags being picked up as garbage, it made me realize that I should carry my own shopping bag to the grocery store." A mother and her elementary school-age child commented, "This is our second time to participate. By picking up garbage, my child has learned to treat items and living things with more care."

Upon completion of the cleanup, a hands-on natural environment lesson was held where participants could come into contact with various birds, crabs, insects and vegetation along the Arakawa River. They learned that by protecting the tidelands and reeds, the environment of living things around Arakawa could be vastly improved.

Children especially enjoyed being able to see herons, mudflat crabs, flatfish, mullets and shrimp during the natural environment lesson.

Through activities such as this, "24-Hour Television" hopes to raise awareness about illegal waste-dumping, conservation of biodiversity and the global environment. Additionally, three special, eco-themed programs will be broadcast on NTV along with most regular programs incorporating eco themes this week. On June 4th and 5th, various events will be held at SHIBUYA-AX from 10AM - 5PM. NTV hopes that environmental awareness will be heightened through its television programs, eco events and conservation efforts.

"24-Hour Television" Administration Office
Nippon Television Network Corporation

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