HOME > Press Releases > NTV Wins 2011 Triple Crown Title for Annual Viewer Ratings!

NTV Wins 2011 Triple Crown Title for Annual Viewer Ratings!

Nippon Television Network Corporation won the annual (January 3, 2011 through January 1, 2012) viewer ratings title by taking the number one position in the three time slots of All Day, Golden Time and Prime Time.

Although boosted by the explosively popular hit drama series "I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper." at the end of the year, we were able to garner viewer support for various genres including variety, infotainment, news and sports throughout the entire year. The fact that we were able to win the "triple crown title" for the annual viewer ratings is a culmination of our day to day efforts. NTV has been creating programs with the hope that television will play a central role among our families and friends. We feel gratified to have been able to communicate with the ever-changing needs of our viewers after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
We ask for your continued support this year.

Comments by Representative Director and President Mr. Yoshio Okubo
I would like to express my deep appreciation to our viewers and to those who cooperated with our program production, as both parties were instrumental in our attaining the "triple crown title" for the annual viewer ratings. There is no limit to the sense of duty, responsibility and possibilities of television. NTV plans to continue program production, keeping "heart-to-heart" communication in mind.

NTV 2011 Annual Viewer Ratings (January 3, 2011 through January 1, 2012)
(based on Kanto Region household viewer ratings of Video Research)

All Day (6-24)

8.0 (1st place)

Golden Time (19-22)

12.6 (1st place)

Prime Time (19-23)

12.6 (1st place)

Public Relations
Corporate Administration
Nippon Television Network Corporation

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