HOME > Press Releases > 24-Hour Television "Restoration Efforts: Great East Japan Earthquake" Collects 16,107,148 Yen;Donations to Three Disaster-Hit Prefectures Total 117 Million Yen

24-Hour Television "Restoration Efforts: Great East Japan Earthquake" Collects 16,107,148 Yen;
Donations to Three Disaster-Hit Prefectures Total 117 Million Yen

  To mark the one year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake disasters on 3-11, numerous NTV programs depicting the current situations in the afflicted areas were broadcast, with special program "Restoration TV: Everyone's Strength 3-11" playing the central role. "24-Hour Television" advocates the purpose of these programs and collected "restoration donations" totaling 16, 107, 148 yen from across Japan during March 4th through 18th.

Nippon Television Network Corporation and its 31 affiliates that comprise the "24-Hour Television" Charity Committee have decided to add 100 million yen from last year's "24-Hour Television" donations to this donation effort to assist three disaster-hit prefectures. 

◆ Fukushima Prefecture: Whole body counter vehicles (radiation dosimeter vehicles) presented
  By continually being exposed to even low levels of radiation through food and water, there is a risk of low-dose internal radiation exposure. In Fukushima prefecture, in order to measure radiation levels, there are six whole body counter vehicles (radiation dosimeter vehicles) to check each person. However, it has been estimated that with 360,000 people under the age of 18, it would take several years for all of them to be checked, thus pointing to a severe lack of measurement vehicles. For this reason, we are donating whole body counter vehicles, which are currently being manufactured in the United States.

◆ Miyagi Prefecture: Equipment for support facilities for the disabled and cooking utensils to those in temporary housing presented
  We will donate equipment to facilities for the disabled that were damaged by the tsunamis, provide cooking utensils to those living in temporary housing and present playground equipment to disabled children's daycare facilities. With the cooperation of Japan Platform (JPF), we will also provide disaster victims with employment assistance in such areas as agriculture.

*About JPF Japan Platform
Partnering with NGOs, the financial industry, the political arena and the media, this international humanitarian aid organization implements swift, effective support for natural disasters, restoration efforts and international emergency aid.

◆ Iwate Prefecture: Assistance to fishing industry through facility reconstruction and support for children by installing lighting at temporary fields
  We will help with reconstruction of fishing equipment sheds that were washed away by the tsunamis and install night lighting at temporary fields for children who have lost access to their school grounds where temporary housing has been built. Furthermore, with the cooperation of JPF, we plan to provide local community support.

  We thank everyone for their warm support.

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