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Devaluation Losses on Securities at the End of the Interim Period Ended September 30, 2007

Nippon Television Network Corporation
(Tokyo Stock Exchange 9404)

Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) announced today that the amount of its devaluation losses on securities at the end of the interim period ended September 30, 2007 is estimated to be as shown below.

1. Total Amount of Devaluation Losses on Securities (Non-Consolidated basis)

(A) Total Amount of Devaluation Losses on Securities at the End
of the Interim Period Ended September 30, 2007
6,437 million yen
(B) Net Assets for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007
352,213 million yen
(C) Recurring Profit for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007
23,863 million yen
(D) Net Income for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2007
12,726 million yen


2. Forecast
Devaluation losses on securities at the end of the interim period ended September 30, 2007 account for extraordinary loss. NTV is currently in the process of preparing its consolidated and non-consolidated financial results for the interim period ended September 30, 2007.

20071018 Devaluation Losses1.pdf(65KB/1page)

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